Haemodynamic instability frequently manifests during the perioperative course of high-risk surgical patients. This instability arises primarily during surgery due to the influence of anaesthetic agents on vascular tone, compounded by surgical bleeding. Post-surgery,...
Campus Vygon
3 keys to choosing the best haemodynamic monitor for our patients
Haemodynamic monitoring provides us with information on cardiovascular performance and has therefore become a fundamental tool in the diagnostic approach and therapeutic orientation. More and more devices are becoming available that allow us to carry out advanced...
What are the advantages of PICC-port?
PICC-port is an implanted catheter that is undoubtedly gaining ground in the world of vascular access. Its growing success is not surprising: it comes with new indications, cost reduction and patient satisfaction. Even if PICC-port has been in use for several decades,...
6 measures to ensure the proper functioning of a PICC-port
Healthcare professionals working with oncology patients are used to handling fully implanted catheters. In recent years, PICC-port has proven to be very useful in the field. However, any vascular access device can become a problem if its placement has not been optimal...