Infographics Download our infographics and posters on healthcare procedures and techniques. AllAnaesthesia and Intensive Care InfographicsEnteral Nutrition InfographicsNeonatology InfographicsVascular Access Infographics 20 recommendations for maximum security in the NICU Flow chart breastfeeding plan Enteral nutrition connections in neonates Misconnection between catheters and tubes is the main incident in enteral nutrition van Rens – Recap infographics MST Clinical implications Gibbs 2021 – Recap infographics Catheter introduction with a Microseldinger kit Catheter introduction with a peelable cannula Catheter introduction with a splitting needle Catheter introduction with a butterfly needle ENFit design Technical standard ISO 80369-3 Types of risks associated with accidental connections in enteral nutrition of the newborn baby Microseldinger technique: set microseldinger Benefits of Modified Seldinger Technique in neonates Advantages of the use of ultrasound in neonatology Proper selection of the mask Signs to identify a critical situation in the newborn during the first minute after birth Silverman score Actions during the Golden Minute Components of an ultrasound probe The Modified A-DIVA scale What are the mechanisms of hazardous medical products contamination during administration? Parameters capable of assesing the complete hemodynamics of the patient: preload, afterload and contractility 4 keys to avoid resonance in the blood pressure waveform Protocol B – ENFit cleaning procedure: less diligent group Protocol A – ENFit cleaning procedure: most diligent group Enteral nutrition in premature infants: the most serious complications What characteristics should the ideal connector for neonatal nutrition have? ENFit® connector Cleaning procedure for ENFit® tubes Intermittent vs Continuous nutrition – Which to choose in neonates? General nursing care for newborns with enteral nutrition Levels of evidence for surfactant therapy Functions of surfactant Acute pulmonary and circulatory effects of surfactant therapy WHO protocol: the heat chain in newborns Signs and symptoms of impaired thermoregulation Mechanisms of heat loss in newborns How to classify hypothermia according to its severity? Gestational age and body temperature Square wave test (Flush Test) Monitoring PICC Port progress with ECG Why is the green zone of the ZIM method the best place to insert a PICC? Multi-lumen central catheters: catheter and lumen diameter PICC-port indications ZIM Method Equipment required to place a midline Parts of the blood pressure waveform PICC-port advantages How to care for your midline Catheter to vein ratio: choice of the right catheter diameter Characteristics and benefits of midlines Insertion technique: Seldinger method Insertion technique: micro seldinger modified seldinger Comparison between french and gauge